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Reducing and Preventing Financial Crime: A Strategic Approach for the Future

Reducing and Preventing Financial Crime: A Strategic Approach for the Future

Financial Crime

How does Financial Crime affect us?

In the face of escalating financial crime, which encompasses fraud, money laundering, sanctions evasion, and terrorist financing, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguard society, uphold market integrity, and bolster consumer and market participant confidence. The collective endeavour to combat these crimes involves a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector. The publication of the FCA’s three-year strategy in 2022 marked a significant step forward, emphasising the reduction and prevention of financial crime as a critical priority. This strategic focus aligns with the broader national goals outlined in the Economic Crime Plan 2 (2023-2026) and the Fraud Strategy, both orchestrated by the government to orchestrate a cohesive action plan across public and private sectors with the ultimate aim of significantly curbing financial crime.

The FCA’s Role in National Efforts Against Economic Crime

The FCA, alongside the Office for Professional Body Anti-Money Laundering Supervision (OPBAS)—which operates under its aegis—plays a pivotal role in the national strategy to combat economic crime. With leadership or support roles in 20 out of the 43 actions identified in the second Economic Crime Plan, the FCA’s involvement is crucial in steering the direction towards achieving the national ambition of mitigating financial crime. The review of the past 18 months under the FCA’s three-year strategy reveals significant progress, with prioritized efforts against fraud, money laundering, and sanctions evasion making tangible impacts.

Key Areas of Focus for the Future

Looking ahead, the FCA has identified four critical areas where enhanced collaborative efforts can significantly shift the needle in the fight against financial crime. These areas are:

Data and Technology
Leveraging cutting-edge technology and data analytics is paramount in detecting and preventing financial crimes. Advanced tools and algorithms enable the identification of suspicious activities with greater accuracy and speed, facilitating timely intervention.

Strengthening partnerships across the financial sector and with regulatory, governmental, and law enforcement entities is vital. By sharing intelligence and best practices, stakeholders can create a unified front against perpetrators of financial crimes.


financial crime & AML

Consumer Awareness
Educating consumers on the risks and indicators of financial crime empowers them to protect themselves. Initiatives like the FCA’s ScamSmart campaign play an essential role in raising public awareness and reducing victimization.

Metrics – Measuring Effectiveness
Developing and implementing robust metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-financial crime initiatives is crucial. These metrics enable continuous improvement and ensure that strategies are aligned with the evolving nature of financial crime.

The Road Ahead

As we advance, the FCA is committed to intensifying its efforts in these focus areas. Future plans include the review of anti-fraud controls and complaint handling in firms, with a particular emphasis on Authorized Push Payment (APP) Fraud, and the continuation of public education through resources like the “Inside FCA Podcast” on fighting fraud and financial crime.


The FCA’s ongoing commitment to reducing and preventing financial crime is a testament to the importance of a multi-faceted approach that incorporates technology, collaboration, consumer awareness, and measurable outcomes. As we look to the future, it is clear that a collective effort is essential to achieve the ambitious goal of significantly reducing financial crime, thereby protecting society and ensuring the integrity of financial markets.

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