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Online Senior Managers & Certification Regime Compliance Course Available For Core-Limited Firms

Why This Course?

Running Your Own SMCR Preparation Project?

This course will equip you with everything you need to know and everything you need to do.

The extension of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) to investment firms in December 2019 represented a major overhaul of the way in which individuals working within financial services are regulated.

The new rules increase the number of employees who are subject to regulatory obligations, whilst significantly enhancing the accountability of those in senior management positions. They also impose potentially onerous obligations on firms, from the documentation of management responsibilities to the training of employees on the application of the Conduct Rules.

We have extensive experience in training senior managers and other staff who are subject to the SM&CR and we have developed a range of training solutions to suit a wide variety of requirements. You will also gain access to a 50% discount in our special offer promotion for a valuable aid to your implementation planning.

Run by Lee Werrell Chartered Fellow of the CISI and someone with years of experience in implementing the SMCR in the banking and insurance world, you will benefit from;

  • Leveraging the trainers experience with the banking roll-out; we look to unpick the lessons to be learnt for the SMCR extension to all regulated firms
  • Packed with practical exercises to focus on the identification of key employees and what you need to do in the lead in to SMCR
  • Conduct rules; what are they, what do they mean & why do they matter?
  • Walk away with a clear plan of your next steps for your SMCR implementation
  • Includes a Special Offer on Our Popular & Practical Project Plan

The Course Objectives

  • Review and understand the history to the SMCR and where it came from
  • To know and understand the key employee categorisations within your firm, SMFs, CR, non-approved and ancillary
  • Be able to evaluate your SMFs; who are they and what they need to know
  • Analyse your CPs and define who will be in this category
  • Apply the conduct rules to your firm and your organisation
  • Review the breach process and how to apply within your firm, as well as when and why
  • Know who to train and what
  • Understand the need for accurate regulatory referencing under SMCR
  • Appreciate the need for accurate, effective and reflective governance and how you run your business.
  • Gives You A Unique DIscount Opportunity by a Special Offer on Our Popular & Practical Project Plan

In Summary

Originally rolled out to the banking sector in 2016, the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) is about to be extended to around 47,000 additional firms.
Beginning with insurance companies, from December 2018, and reaching asset managers and other regulated firms in December 2019.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is tightening up its rules, replacing the current Approved Persons Regime with the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR). The regime has already been operating in the banking sector for some time and will this year extend to all within the financial services sector.

This change will affect all FCA regulated firms including non-UK firms with permission to carry out regulated activities in the UK, and it will focus on three key areas:

  1. The Senior Managers Regime
  2. The Certification Regime
  3. Conduct Rules



The implementation date has been set for the 9th December 2019

Target group

  • All staff within authorised firms will be in scope

  • Senior Manager Functions (SMFs)

  • Certified Persons (CPs)

  • Non-approved

  • Also strongly recommended for those who will be directly involved in the implementation; Compliance & HR.

What you’ll learn

  • Overview & journey to the SMCR
  • FCA SMCR Key Features
  • Senior Managers Regime – Explained
  • FCA Certification Regime
  • Conduct Rules – COCON
  • And More….

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • UK FCA Registered Individual or Firm

Who this course is for:

  • UK FCA Sole Regulated Financial Services Firms
  • UK FCA Sole Regulated Financial Services Individuals
  • UK FCA Firm Compliance Directors
  • UK FCA Firm Risk Directors
  • UK FCA Firm Directors
  • UK FCA Firm Compliance Managers



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