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Online Payment System – Payment Platform E1 – Payment Gateway Providers

online payment systems uk

Online Payment System – Best Payment Option for Small Businesses

OUR Original Philosophy

”Our application design philosophy is based upon a unique concept of the liquidity pool, which can be anything from a bank account in a single currency to a transit account with another financial institution, to a wallet for loading debit cards. Liquidity pools must be able to be aggregated or segregated for cost optimisation and reconciliation purposes” – Software Founder

Standard Software

  1. A sophisticated system for treasury management and transaction processing, facilitating foreign exchange of fiat currencies at the market-making level.

  2. Connects through its back-office, whether manually, via batch processing or through APIs with multiple payment processors, foreign exchange dealers (including crypto) and banks simultaneously.

  3. Provides independence, continuity of activity and freedom of choice to non-bank financial institutions.

  4. Aggregates or segregates assets of the client and its customers.

  5. Gives the ability to manage sub-brands and multi-brands as white labels

  6. Can be customised to suit regulators in most jurisdictions

OUR Philosophy Extended to Digital Currencies

The inclusion of digital currencies as liquidity pools directly via blockchain represents a fundamental innovation for a fiat currency platform. The ability to make and receive international payments, whatever their value, securely, and economically – without having to rely upon third parties – is a response to burgeoning demand in the industry. This makes market making make sense.

The Innovation

Within the context of our system’s fiat currency experience, our Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) extends that functionality to support digital currencies without outsourcing custody to a third party. This extension allows OUR clients to easily maintain managed wallets on behalf of their customers, process payments and deposits in digital currencies and make conversions between digital and fiat currencies and between digital currencies.

The simplicity of the platform would make your firm one of the most popular online payment methods uk. Can be customised to suit regulators in most jurisdictions. API builds available or reverse API compatible option.

Call Today and quote ‘E1’

0207 097 1434

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