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The Ultimate Guide to FCA Conduct Risk for Small Business Owners

Conduct RiskThe main objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide to FCA conduct risk for small business owners. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a regulatory body in the UK that ensures financial markets and firms operate in a fair and transparent manner. Conduct risk refers to the risk of a firm not treating its customers fairly, resulting in harm to customers or damage to the reputation of the firm. Many firms often struggle with the FCA definition of conduct risk.

The book aims to provide compliance professionals and small and medium-sized business owners with a clear understanding of the FCA’s Conduct Risk Requirements in various sectors of the industry. It will offer practical guidance on how to identify, assess, and manage conduct risk in their day-to-day operations.

The book will cover a range of topics related to FCA conduct risk, including:

1. Understanding the FCA’s expectations: The book will provide an overview of the FCA’s approach to conduct risk and the key principles that firms must adhere to.

2. Conduct risk assessment: The book will offer guidance on how to identify and assess conduct risk in your business, including how to conduct a conduct risk assessment and how to prioritise areas for improvement.

3. Conduct risk management: The book will provide practical guidance on how to manage conduct risk in your business, including how to implement effective policies and procedures, monitor and report on conduct risk, and develop a strong conduct risk culture.

4. FCA enforcement: The book will cover the FCA’s enforcement approach and the potential consequences of non-compliance with conduct risk requirements.

Overall, the objective of this book is to empower compliance professionals and small and medium-sized business owners to effectively manage conduct risk and ensure that their firms operate in a fair and transparent manner. By providing practical guidance on how to identify, assess, and manage conduct risk, this book will help readers to meet the FCA’s expectations and protect their customers and their business.

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